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Git with SSH on Windows

Microsoft are working on adding SSH to Visual Studio, and GitHub for Windows still doesn't support SSH 1. Install git for Windows which includes ssh and a bash shell 2. From the included bash shell at C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe) to the root level of where you want your git repository save and type eval $(ssh-agent -s) &&

Von |2017-12-01T15:11:29+01:00Dezember 1st, 2017|Kategorien: Allgemein, Microsoft, Terminal|Tags: , , , |0 Kommentare

Using Cygwin’s bash Babun terminal in a JetBrains IDE

Install Babun on Windows. Click File then Settings and search for “terminal”. Change the Shell path to C:\Users\YOUR-USERNAME\.babun\cygwin\bin\bash.exe if you're using Babun. Cygwin users should use C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe or similar, depending on where you've it installed. Click Ok, open a new terminal (tab) and try running ls -l.

Von |2018-12-16T20:19:06+01:00Dezember 1st, 2017|Kategorien: Allgemein, Microsoft, News, Terminal|Tags: , , |0 Kommentare
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